In the current environment of low interest rates and negative bond yields, the returns on risk-free investments have been diminished. This development poses a significant risk to every small and medium sized investor who is now forced to seek returns in more volatile and risky assets. The hunt of above average returns in risky assets might be proven disastrous for unexperienced investors and it can lead up to financial difficulties later in their lives.
Here in Money World we have developed three structured services to tackle these issues and allow the small and medium sized investors to regain their old peace of mind. By being a member at you will have access to services that are available only to large and institutional investors. Taking your investments seriously is nothing more than creating a secured and an affluent future. It may be proved your best decision ever!
Our members are privileged to have access to all content and download our quarterly investment bulletin. We have developed comprehensive content consisted of regular and ad hoc publications.
Counselling is our most tailored service. Our clients engage in the investment industry motivated by their personal aspirations, which of course differ among individual clients. What is more every investor has completely different risk appetite and risk tolerance.
Harry Frouzakis (CEO) acts officially as a Certified Investment Manager co-operating with a swiss investment bank. The investment portfolio under our management constitute a collection of
Quarterly Bulletin is our main Publication. In the Bulletin we provide a comprehensive analysis on our assumptions, our predictions, our expectations and ultimately our investment strategy.